Parametric Analysis

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Parametric Analysis is the systematic approach used to explore the relationships between various design parameters and building performance outcomes. This method involves systematically varying one or more input parameters to assess their impact on performance metrics, such as energy consumption, thermal comfort, daylighting, and peak mechanical load.


Identify Key Parameters

Identify the key variables that are feasible for design and influence building performance. Key parameters may include: building shape, building orientation, window-to-wall ratio, glazing properties, insulation levels, shading devices HVAC system types, and occupancy schedules. Reference additional parameters that can be considered on the energy conservation measures page.

Setting Baseline Model

Develop a baseline model using your preferred energy modeling software. This model acts as a reference point for comparing results of each scenario. The baseline model could be a shoebox model of a perimeter building zone, prototype model, simple box model, or detailed model. The selection of the model type should match energy conservation measures being studied and the relevant impact on the building. It is generally recommended to use the smallest models to use in the studies as parametric studies can be time intensive when considering many iterations.

Generating Iterations

Create multiple variants of the baseline model by altering the selected parameters. For instance, you might create versions of the building with different enclosure performance including insulation thicknesses, window area, and window thermal properties. It is important to be mindful of the variables and the number of options for each to avoid an unmanageable number of iterations during the simulation, which could increase time and cost.

Running Simulations

Use building performance simulation tools to run simulations for each variant. Results from each simulation are collected to determine how changes in parameters affect performance metrics.

Analyzing Results

Compare the simulation results to understand the impact of each parameter on building performance. This can involve statistical analysis, sensitivity analysis, or visualization techniques to identify trends and key drivers.


Based on the insights gained, optimize the design by selecting the parameter values that achieve the desired performance outcomes, such as minimizing energy use or maximizing thermal comfort.

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