Model calibration
Energy model calibration is the process of adjusting energy model inputs such that the outputs align more closely with energy consumption measured in the real (operational) building. The calibration process consists of gathering data on the actual energy use in the real building after it has been operational, and using the data as the basis for adjusting the energy model inputs. Depending on the level of detail of collected operational data, the model input adjustment process and accuracy may vary.
Use cases
Model calibration can be important to ensure the model is useful for various purposes:
- Existing building retrofit analysis
- Measurement & verification
- Optimize performance
Questions that calibrated models can help answer
Calibrated models help provide an understanding of:
- How good are my modeling assumptions?
- Are the savings estimates reliable?
- Did the building perform as expected?
- Are there opportunities for operational improvements?
Calibration process
Model calibration is an iterative process that consists of:
- Developing an initial version of the existing building energy model
- Gathering information from the existing building to inform modifications to the inputs
- Updating the model based on the gathered information
- Running a simulation and checking whether the results more closely represent the actual performance of the existing building
- Repeating this process until the results are satisfactory
Data gathering sources
Information about the existing building may be gathered from a number of sources:
- Utility data
- Actual weather data
- As-built documents
- Submittals
- Operator interview
- Occupant survey data
- Site audit
- Building automation system
- Trend logs
- Energy submeters
- Short-term monitoring
This information should then be compared against inputs in the model such as:
- Actual occupancy schedules
- HVAC start/stop times
- VAV box minimum airflow setpoints
- Supply air temperature control method
- Set point temperatures
- Economizer operation
- Actual outdoor air ventilation rate
- Day, night, and weekend plug loads and lighting loads
- Exterior lighting, other miscellaneous loads
Example calibration process
The following images present a theoretical project where an energy model used to predict energy savings during the design process is calibrated post-occupancy to determine if savings were achieved, and to identify potential operation savings opportunities.

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